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Funerals Regulations & Exhortations

Author: Muhammad Mustafa al-Jibaly
Publisher: Al-Kitaab and As-Sunnah Publishing (2008) 2nd Edition
Pages: 294 Binding: Hardback
Description from the publisher: 

From the back of the book: This book is the third in the series. It deals with the actual occurrence of death, and all lessons and regulations relating to it. It includes a close-to-complete translation of al-Albani's Ahkaam ul-Janaa'iz (Funeral Regulations). This book covers the correct procdures for washing and shrouding a deceased Muslim, funeral and burial rites, the janazah prayer, and other relevant issues. It also discusses heart-moving matters relating to the arrival of death, grieving and mourning, signs of good and evi ends, and visiting the graves. In addition, this book contains extensive supplementary material and an enhanced presentation with tables and diagrams. This makes it a usefurl handbook, reference, and source of admonishment.

Funerals Regulations & Exhortations

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