Ruling On Reciting Al-Faatihah behind the Imaam
Question: The opinions of the scholars have differed concerning the recitation of one who is being led (in prayer) behind the Imaam...
Ruling on Eating Meat of the People of the Book & That of Other Disbelievers
Author: Imaam 'Abdul 'Azeez bin Baaz -May Allaah have Mercy upon him, Aameen Question: Verily I am a Somalian student who studies in...
Ruling On Men Listening to a Woman's Qur'aan Recitation
Question: Is it permissible for the woman to allow men to hear her voice with the recitation of the Qur'aan? Answer: Verily all praise i
Ruling on the One Who Abandons the Prayer
Question: Is the person who abandons the prayer (As-Salaah) considered a disbeliever? Answer: The person who abandons the prayer is...
From the Descriptions of the People of Paradise
My brothers: You have heard of the descriptions of Paradise and its delights and what it contains of happiness and enjoyment. By Allaah,...
The Best of People...
Indeed the best type of worship the deed which is performed for the pleasure of the Lord in every time with what that particular time...
What is the Ruling on Wearing Trousers During Salaat?
Question: What is the ruling of wearing trousers pants even more so (when) some of whom wear them expose part of their nakedness, and...
The language of the people in the Hereafter
Author: Shaykhul Islaam ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullaah) Question: How will the people be addressed on the Day of Resurrection? And will...
Ruling on Wearing a Gold or Imitation Gold Watch
Question: Is it permissible to wear a gold watch or a yellow watch with the color that looks as if it is gold colored? Answer: This is...
Major Signs Before the Day of Judgement
1. The Emergence of the Dajjaal - Linguistically, Dajjaal is derived from the word dajl, which means lying and impostering. Religiously,...